Men’s Ministry

Men's Ministry

The Men's Ministry (also known as the Mighty Men of Walker) provides a supportive environment for men to grow spiritually, foster Christian fellowship, and develop stronger relationships within the church community. The ministry encourages men to deepen their faith through Bible study, prayer, and worship. The men of Walker Memorial mentor younger and newer members in their faith journey, all while assisting in the development of stronger leadership skills. The Men's Ministry offers a space for men to discuss the challenges they face in life, including work, family, and faith, and provides encouragement and accountability. 

The overall goal of the Men's Ministry is to empower men to live out their faith actively, so they positively impact their families and the community. 

A Prayerful Congregation · Walking In The Spirit · Bringing Souls to Christ

2020 13th St. NW | Washington, DC 20009
(202) 232-1120

